Cartographies as spaces of inquiry to explore of teachers’ nomadic learning trajectories
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Post-qualitative research, secondary school teachers, nomadology, entanglement, affects, gestures.Resumen
This paper is part of a research project, in which secondary teachers were invited to generate cartographies, and participate in conversations about the scenarios and where they learn and the movements they make, inside and outside school. They were also invited to think about what they valued of this performative act as a source of knowledge and experience. By generating cartographies, as a visual and textual epistemological and methodological move, we inquire those interstices, displacements, instable journeys, ways of knowing, assemblages and entanglement through which teachers explore and perform their nomadic learning paths. The main aim of this research process it is no longer about getting results but generating and putting into action concepts such as rhizome, intensity, affect, gesture, displacement, metaphor. Concepts that are helping us to think about how learning gets through teachers’ movements and trajectories. Specifically, in this paper, we reflect on how nomadism localizes learning not as an outcome but as an activity staged within a processual, relational and performative ontology of becoming. In addition, we consider how all these processes affect us, as teachers and researchers.
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