Are primary education teachers from Catalonia (Spain) trained on the ICT and disability?
DOI: clave:
Information and communication technologies, functional diversity, disability, teacher’s training, accessibilityResumen
In this work, we present the results of a study that had as an objective to understand the perception of key informants (directors, heads of studies and ICT coordinators from education centers, as well as well as directors and technology managers from teacher’s training centers), on the levels of technological training and knowledge possessed by the Primary Education teachers from the Autonomous Community of Catalonia, with respect to the use of the ICT with students with disabilities. For the methodology, a qualitative research design was used. The information was obtained from an analysis of 68 interviews conducted to professional from the education sector in Catalonia. The results obtained showed that the professionals perceived a low level of training and knowledge of the teachers with respect to the use of the ICT with people with disabilities. The findings showed the need to design and implement didactic training that empowers the teachers.
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