The Spiritual Fruits of the Beguine and Mystic Elisabet Cifre, 1467-1542.



The Spiritual Fruits of the Beguine and Mystic Elisabet Cifre, 1467-1542. Throughout history, mystics and visionaries have been women. While men have been the protagonists of war, as women we have always lived more prone to words and the relationship with divinity. This text seeks to shine a light onto the political meaning of the free spirituality of medieval women through the mystical experience of a Beguine, Elisabet Cifre. She, who lived between 1467 and 1542 in Palma de Mallorca, was a prophetess, healer, mystic and founding teacher of a school for girls. Thanks to her confessions it has been possible to follow her path, one that she decided to trace in female company and relationship.

