Fondos del Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya sobre la Guerra Civil española y el primer exilio, 1936-1945


  • Josep Fernández



Exile, National Archive of Catalonia, Archivo Guerra y Exilio


In the present article, the author, head of the section of Historical Funds of National Archive of Catalonia, facilitates us the basic information of the main funds and private as well as public collections, which shape the section of the Spanish Civil War and the first Franco’s regime. With the precedent of the General Archive of Catalonia created in 1936 and disappeared in 1939, from its creation in 1980, National Archive of Catalonia has increased its funds and collections that understand in a basic way from the establishment of the II Republic, until the end of World War II. A final annex provides us the relation of all them.

How to Cite

Fernández, J. (2017). Fondos del Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya sobre la Guerra Civil española y el primer exilio, 1936-1945. Ebre 38, (2).



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