Dilution or clarification? Uses and applications around topographies of terror


  • Gonzalo Compañy
  • Soledad Biasatti




Recent Past, centres of horror, tophography of terror, heritage management


Few countries can boast not contain (or have generated) in its geography traces or remnants of sites used in more or less recent past of what is known as “centers of horror”. We refer to materials and / or spaces where were kidnapped, detained, confined, tortured, killed or hidden a lot of subjects belonging to different sectors of the population for political reasons. With the entry into the democratic era, these places are beginning to be opened and marked forming a true “topography of terror” to be explored by visitors and tourists. While this work is intended to provide a number of broad theoretical and methodological reflections about the equity and the use currently being given to those areas, has in its turn, as a backdrop, some specific cases from where to ask.

How to Cite

Compañy, G., & Biasatti, S. (2017). Dilution or clarification? Uses and applications around topographies of terror. Ebre 38, (6). https://doi.org/10.1344/ebre38.2011.6.18027



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