Exhumation and analysis of remains from Ramon Vila Capdevila in the cemetery off Castellnou de Bages


  • Marta Pujol Masip Arqueóloga colaboradora del Laboratorio SEPAL (Servei del Patrimoni Locali Arquitectònic de la Diputació de Barcelona) i del Labortari del MAC (Museu d’arqueologia de Catalunya ) els anys 1996-2000.




Archaeology, forensic anthropology, Franco dictatorship, maquis and guerrilla.


A case of Ramon Vila Capdevila, alias «Maroto», «Caracremada» «Pasos Largo» the results of archaeological excation, exhumation and anthopological study of guerrilla anarcho-syndicalist CNT during the Second Spanish Republic, member of the French Resistenceduring the Second World War and the latest machinery Catalanduring Franco. He was killed on August 7, 1963 during a shootout in the town of Castellnou de Bages. The location oftheir skeletal remains in 1999 as part of rehabilitation project-driven architecture of Barcelona Provincial Council, brought upan the skeletal remains and eposode in the history of Catalan maqui movement and contrast the versions that were on his death.



How to Cite

Pujol Masip, M. (2017). Exhumation and analysis of remains from Ramon Vila Capdevila in the cemetery off Castellnou de Bages. Ebre 38, (7). https://doi.org/10.1344/ebre38.2017.7.18126



Història i Arqueologia