El Regañón: una posición avanzada republicana de media montaña en el Frente Norte (San Emiliano, León)


  • Javier Llamazares González Universidad de León. HISMECON




The present paper describes the results of the survey and excavation focused on defensive structures built during the Spanish Civil War in “El Regañón site” (San Emiliano, León) during August 2020. The area of investigation is a republican outpost located in a middle mountain position on the North Front, playing the main role in the defense of the “Puerto de Ventana”, natural passage towards the council of Teverga in the Principado de Asturias. This defensive position was used between July 1936 and October 1937.



How to Cite

Llamazares González, J. (2021). El Regañón: una posición avanzada republicana de media montaña en el Frente Norte (San Emiliano, León). Ebre 38, 11(11), 69–90. https://doi.org/10.1344/ebre38.2021.11.36881