Exhumaciones de fosas comunes en el País Valenciano: 10 años de intervenciones científi-cas


  • Andrea Moreno Martín Secció d'arqueologia i Antropologia Social-Cultural. Associació Científica ArqueoAntro
  • Miguel Mezquida Fernández Director Secció d’arqueologia. Associació Científica ArqueoAntro
  • Marisol E. Schwab Secció Antropologia Física i Forense. Associació Científica ArqueoAntro




This article approaches the exhumations of victims of Franco dictatorship during the last decade in the Valencian territory. The main goal is to offer the current data regarding the number of interventions, graves, victims, identifications, etc. However, at the same time, we discuss on the urgency of making certain measures a reality, such as the creation of the DNA bank and the census of victims. Or address the need for a professional debate on some issues such as the existing legal scenario given the impossibility of judicializing the exhumation processes. The purpose as a whole is to highlight and defend that memory public policies are a challenge, which goes beyond the exhumation of victims, where the transversality and professionalization of processes and projects must be a reality and a commitment by both technical teams and administrations, without falling into the mistake of leaving aside the citizenry.


2021-10-18 — Updated on 2021-10-22

How to Cite

Moreno Martín, A., Mezquida Fernández, M., & Schwab, M. E. (2021). Exhumaciones de fosas comunes en el País Valenciano: 10 años de intervenciones científi-cas. Ebre 38, 11(11), 125–152. https://doi.org/10.1344/ebre38.2021.11.36884