El Grup de Recerca i Investigació d'Espais de la Guerra Civil (GRIEGC)


  • Adrián Cabezas Sánchez GRIEGC (Grup de recerca i d'investigació d'espais de la Guerra Civil)




The Spanish Civil War is one of the wars that has left more literature, especially from the historical or literary discipline.On the other hand, the team of the Civil War Investigation Group (GRIEGC), wants to give a different point of view to the conflict, focusing especially on its more patrimonial aspect. GRIEGC's activity, carried out in recent years, especially in Catalonia and Aragon, aims to recover this still existing heritage, using a methodology based on historical research and fieldwork itself, which allow to rescue from oblivion this patrimonial set linked to the Civil War.



How to Cite

Cabezas Sánchez, A. (2021). El Grup de Recerca i Investigació d’Espais de la Guerra Civil (GRIEGC) . Ebre 38, 11(11), 199–219. https://doi.org/10.1344/ebre38.2021.11.36887