La guerra civil als centres educatius: entendre el conflicte tocant la història


  • Antonio Bardavio Novi Camp d’Aprenentatge de la Noguera
  • Sònia Mañé Orozco Camp d’Aprenentatge de la Noguera
  • Xavier Tort Bisbal Camp d’Aprenentatge de la Noguera



Since 2020, the Camp d’Aprenentatge de la Noguera (CdA de la Noguera), an Education Service of the Generalitat of Catalonia starts the curricular educational offer “The Civil War in schools”. The proposal begins with the need, among other things, to experience, approach and touch history in the high school stage that maintains in the school organization, a lack of time that makes it difficult to go to museums and heritage and educational spaces, which alter the pace of the center due to pressure from the school calendar.

The main objective of this educational offer is that of historical reconstruction, using an active and experiential methodology based on the study of material sources, combined with the practice of a scientific activity of a simulated archaeological excavation. To develop this learning experience that cannot be done in the classroom, you need part of the school yard and the contribution and support of the CdA de la Noguera.

An experiential experience that features a student protagonist who approaches the story of this warlike conflict empathetically and emotionally, building a work and learning environment in which students cooperatively learn a case study.



How to Cite

Bardavio Novi, A., Mañé Orozco, S., & Tort Bisbal, X. (2021). La guerra civil als centres educatius: entendre el conflicte tocant la història. Ebre 38, 11(11), 221–232.