Una muestra del español de Barcelona en el marco AMPER



AMPERCAT, Spanish of Barcelona, prosody, linguistic interference


AMPER project aims at gathering and describing different prosodic samples obtained from several Romanic languages to ultimately generate an exhaustive multimedia atlas. This project, under the name of AMPERCAT, is currently being implemented in Catalonia, where researchers have described the two coofficial languages of this zone, namely Spanish and Catalan. Our research stems from this latter project and focuses in the study of very simple sequences uttered by a female Spanish volunteer. Despite being a native Spanish speaker, she was born and raised in Barcelona and has consequently been exposed all her life to Catalan, since Barcelona is an officially bilingual region.

The analysis made on the 81-utterances corpus provided us with interesting insights on the F0, the length and the intensity. As for the F0, we found that her intonational pattern -when uttering assertive phrases, regular interrogative phrases or interrogative phrases preceded by the Spanish atonic particle que- was very similar to Catalan’s prosodic pattern. Interrogative phrases headed by que are not included in Spanish prosodic descriptions, but are very frequently employed by Spanish-speaking people living in Catalonia because of the influence of the Catalan prosodic pattern, which allows for the two types of interrogations to coexist (¿La guitarra se toca con paciencia? vs. ¿Que se toca con paciencia la guitarra?). As for the length, our results are consistent with the literature describing languages such as Spanish, Catalan and some others (Lindblom 1968), the most relevant finding being a lengthening of the final vowel of the sentence in all the modalities. The intensity usually declines when the final vowels of each sentence are reached, although this decline is not very steep. We also considered the obtained data from the autosegmental metrics theory.

Consistent with other researches (Prieto 2002, Romera and others, in press), our general conclusion is that regular exposure to a given second language’s prosody -in our case Catalan- is capable of changing or conditioning the prosody of the first language -in our case Spanish. Clear evidence of this is the common practice of generating sentences headed by the atonic particle que, which is highly usual in Catalan, and consider them “normal”.


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How to Cite

Romera Barrios, L., Fernánez Planas, A. M., Salcioli Guidi, V., Carrera Sabaté, J., & Román Montes de Oca, D. (2007). Una muestra del español de Barcelona en el marco AMPER. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 16, 147–184. Retrieved from https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/experimentalphonetics/article/view/44472




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