Cuestiones metodológicas en palatografía dinámica y clasificación electropalatográfica de las vocales y de algunas consonantes linguales del español peninsular
EPG, PMC, PI, PF, CA index, CP index, CC index, vowels, dentoalveolar, alveolar, alveopalatal, palatalAbstract
This article begins by reviewing the main experimental techniques in the instrumental analysis of articulatory phonology, and more specifically the morphology of the supralaryngeal vocal tract, including a descriptive account electropalatography (EPG), to date the most comprehensive method of analysis of linguo-palatal contacts along the time domain. The article then focuses on the use of EPG analysis in the classification of Spanish vowels and most lingual consonants by using the indices CA, CP and CC proposed by Fontdevila, Pallarès y Recasens (1994). Vowel identification through EPG was found to be particularly successful with front vowels. The hypothesis of consonantal classification consists of distributing the ten studied articulations in four groups: dentoalveolar ([t]), alveolar ([n, s, l, , r]), alveolopalatal ([, , ]) and palatal ([]).
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