Proyecto de especificidad curricular para trastornos en el espectro autista: una experiencia en Latinoamérica
Currículo escolar en autismo
autism, education, specificity, curriculum, training, teacherAbstract
Children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) need explicit and declarative teaching due to their different ways of processing information. The objective of the project was to develop an individualized educational program for students with autism, to train teachers involved in teams from across a province for theoretical and practical specialization, and establish a content evaluation system for both students and specificity in the teacher training. METHODS: A curricular commission was established for the development of the teaching program, a weekly theoretical training and a monthly supervision in practical service for the teaching teams of the entire province. It was completed with a design of a report card for the students, about the contents of the specific curriculum. For teachers and technical teams, it was assessed with a final exam and surveys, about the training received. RESULTS: It was possible to apply the curricular specificity in the process of educational inclusion in the students with autism throughout a year. The teachers fully approved the training course and satisfaction surveys were obtained favorable to the learning in relation to the curricular specialization. The conceptual change in the professionals was possible, in relation to the specificity of the learning of students with ASD.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Nora Granana, Pamela Salas, Lucila Vidal, Silvia Campanella, Daniel Valdez

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