Evaluation of executive functions through rubrics
An experience from neurodidactics with high school students
executive functions, rubrics, adolescents, neurodidactics, secundary levelAbstract
From the ecological approach of neurodidactics, an experience of the use of rubrics as a pedagogical practice for the assessment of executive functioning in secondary school students is presented. The school subjects Music, ICT, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Elementary English and History have applied various strategies with adolescents of 4th and 5th year to survey the following executive functions: working memory, planning, organization, decision making and cognitive flexibility. The teachers in charge have used several activities such as audiovisual media with questionnaires, assignments, design of the graduation uniform, writing reviews and note-taking; for which five-level-achievement rubrics were implemented. To conclude, the use of rubrics offers a method of formative assessment that facilitates feedback to the student in the construction of knowledge, while providing inter and transdisciplinary actions across the school subjects. Furthermore, it yields clarity in the delivery of content and stimulates meaningful learning by reinforcing self-regulatory processes; for which the EFs are key. Applying rubrics to assess the EFs, therefore, presents us with an innovative proposal to be explored in greater depth in future research.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Álvaro Federico Muchiut, Paola Vaccaro, Silvana Cochatok Díaz, Romina Roskiewich, Ariel Horacio Passamani, Sixto Emmanuel Sosa, Belén Vallejos

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