Una estructura neurodidáctica para el desarrollo de las funciones ejecutivas en los adolescentes

¿Es posible desarrollar el control inhibitorio en el aula?


  • Mònica Codina Universidad de Barcelona
  • Duby Aldana Universidad de Barcelona
  • Isabel Piédrola Universidad de Barcelona
  • Iris Ramos Regalado Universidad de Barcelona




neurodidactic structure, educators, executive functions, inhibitory control, adolescents


There is a growing interest in the development of neuroeducative practices which shift their focus to the students’ learning process with the aim of producing changes to their cognitive abilities, and as a result, facilitating an improvement in the students’ academic performance.

This article presents a neurodidactic structure designed for the development of the executive functions (EF) in the adolescent stage, intended to be incorporated to different school areas, and which must be transversally integrated within the ‘learn to learn’ competencies in order to stress these EFs. For the implementation of the abovementioned structure, a study divided into three stages is suggested.

To conclude, the authors of the study argue the need to encourage common strategies in the creation of neuroeducative classrooms which develop the executive functions, support positive cognitive development in teenagers and change the perspective of education professionals regarding the development and potential of the adolescent brain.


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2022-03-17 — Updated on 2022-04-11