The Cosmopolitan Europe of Seyla Benhabib: Conflict, Difference and Citizenship


  • Joaquín Valdivielso Navarro Universitat de les Illes Balears



Seyla Benhabib, cosmopolitanism, Europe, citizenship, conflict


Seyla Benhabib's idiosyncratic approach provides an original framework for a complex characterization of the paradoxes of contemporary Europe, and the dialectic between identity and citizenship within. This essay analyses Benhabib's approach through three main elements: the lessons of the totalitarian moment, the relationship between Europe and its "others" in recent history, and the potential of certain cosmopolitan elements catalyzed by the EU project. This type of analysis makes explicit a look "from the margins", which marks Benhabib's particular contribution to the critical theory of democracy and to its dialogue with Enlightenment universalism.


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How to Cite

Valdivielso Navarro, J. 2018. The Cosmopolitan Europe of Seyla Benhabib: Conflict, Difference and Citizenship. Lectora: Journal of Women and Textuality. 24 (Oct. 2018), 111–126. DOI: