The Kestos Himas, Aphrodite's Great Jewel


  • Elena Almirall Arnal Universitat de Barcelona



Aphrodite, jewels, seduction, patriarchy, Hera, subversion


This essay reflects on jewels as means of seduction for Greek women and, specifically, on those of Aphrodite, a multifaceted deity whose main action is framed within the sphere of sexuality and love. This goddess is the owner of a magical ornament, the kestos himas. On its surface are embroidered some human emotions like desire, seduction and love. This jewel has a leading role in some very interesting episodes of Greek literature, especially the one known as Dios Apate or Hera's deception of Zeus in order to seduce him.


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How to Cite

Almirall Arnal, E. 2020. The Kestos Himas, Aphrodite’s Great Jewel. Lectora: Journal of Women and Textuality. 26 (Oct. 2020), 49–65. DOI: