"If I had survived in Prague, Amsterdam, or Lodz..." Politics of Location in Adrienne Rich's Thought





feminism, identity, experience, politics of location


In this article, we reflect on Adrienne Rich's concept of the "politics of location", which we deem very useful when thinking about identity. We begin with Rich's concept of experience, taking great care not to lapse into essentialist discourses of identity and always keeping in mind the importance of language and narration in the construction of identity. A politics of location allows us to see our identity as an intersection of multiple threads that weave the changing, rich, and sometimes confusing fabric of our identity. To develop an awareness thereof can help to initiate dialogue, build shared experiences, and establish alliances between the different currents of feminism.


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How to Cite

Pérez Bernal, M. 2021. &quot;If I had survived in Prague, Amsterdam, or Lodz. &quot; Politics of Location in Adrienne Rich’s Thought. Lectora: Journal of Women and Textuality. 27 (Oct. 2021), 291–307. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1344/Lectora2021.27.15.