Las otras voces de la Edad de Plata: Mercedes Pinto y la mujer moderna
Mercedes Pinto, modern woman, Spanish Silver Age, "divorce as hygenic measure"Abstract
The life and work of the multifaceted Canary Islands writer Mercedes Pinto embody the modern woman who emerges in the Spanish Silver Age and prefigures a concept and an ideal to which she contributes with her novels, her plays, her lectures, her journalistic prose and her varied and intense activism. After giving a lecture entitled "Divorce as hygienic measure" at the Central University of Madrid in November 1923, she had to flee the country and go into exile in Latin America, where she lived the rest of her long life, which was spent in Uruguay, Chile, Cuba and Mexico, and where she enjoyed popularity and recognition. These pages aim to add her name to that of that group of women of the Silver Age who took a step forward in public life to claim rights and spaces of freedom and personal autonomy, showing some of the ideas, words and feminist reflections she shared in her controversial conference on divorce and in the articles she published in the newspapers of Montevideo and Havana, which became a pedagogical tool and a channel of dissemination of the figure of the modern woman.
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