Contra les conspiracions fetes de silenci: dos textos que parlen de l'abús sexual a nenes


  • Meri Torras


This article focuses on the silence surrounding child abuse in contemporary society. The invisibility of girls abuse is placed in the wider context of violence against women and in its diverse forms of expression. A claim is made for a new language that helps to articulate the different institutional spheres implicated: educational, social, legal and medical. Two texts that break away with this conspiracy of silence are analysed: the comic book by Bryan Talbot History of a Bat Rat (1999) and the short cartoon film Le chapeau/The Hat (1999) by Michèle de Cournoyer.




How to Cite

Torras, M. 2010. Contra les conspiracions fetes de silenci: dos textos que parlen de l’abús sexual a nenes. Lectora: Journal of Women and Textuality. 8 (Jul. 2010), 111–117.