Yourcenar as a Translator: her Kavafis


  • Montserrat Gallart i Sanfeliu Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Translation is the only way to fight the myth of Babel. The one sole language which this myth invents has never existed anywhere, and diversity is not a punishment at all, on the contrary, it is a natural condition among people. This article deals with translation of poetry, a practice which, as far as critique is concerned, has two poles: it is either brought to a superior level, or it is reduced to great contempt, because it often remains subordinated to other literary genres. And, more specifically, the article presents one particular case of translation: Yourcenar's Kavafis.




How to Cite

Gallart i Sanfeliu, M. 2004. Yourcenar as a Translator: her Kavafis. Lectora: Journal of Women and Textuality. 10 (Jan. 2004), 297–309.