Woman and krausism


  • Betsabé García


Krausism became the lead philosophy for Spanish intellectuals during the second half of the 19th century. This philosophy implied the construction of a “New Man” for the regeneration of Spanish society. The creation of this “New Man” relied on the basis of a pedagogical reform. However, Krausists paid also attention to the increasing need of educating women. Nevertheless, the proposals for this pedagogical reform attended in different ways the education for men and women. Mainly due to that traditional sexual politics of subordination were still endured by this philosophy. This aim for educating people gave to the Krausist dramatists the responsibility of transmitting behavioural ideals for men and women, obviously attending to the traditional roles of activity and passivity. Rosario de Acuña, a Spanish dramatist and a Krausist herself, transformed dramatics schemes by giving an active role to the feminine characters. This transformation obeyed to her conviction that women had also to participate in the regeneration of Spanish society so it could be effective. By this means, she proposed the construction of the “New Woman”.



How to Cite

García, B. 2005. Woman and krausism. Lectora: Journal of Women and Textuality. 11 (Jan. 2005), 257–262.