Motherhood in literature written by female authors in Morocco


  • Zohra Mezgueldi


maternité, représentations socio-culturelles, modèle maternel, espace symbolique, création


Firstly, the Literature written by female authors in Morocco puts forward the social and cultural representations of maternity. Women’s writing describes maternity as a source for women’s empowerment if they want to exist in the society and in the family. Secondly, it can be said that in this literature, the main idea is that the mother represents a negative pattern for women’s emancipation. Finally, this analysis pays considerable attention to the relation between maternity and writing.



How to Cite

Mezgueldi, Z. 2010. Motherhood in literature written by female authors in Morocco. Lectora: Journal of Women and Textuality. 14 (Dec. 2010), 51–64.