Gender and translation: discursive elements for a feminist rewriting


  • Olga Castro Vázquez


traducción feminista, reescritura, ideología, lenguaje no sexista, reforma lingüística.


In the article that follows it is explored the gender- translation binary from the belief that the latter, since it establishes a connection between different linguistic, cultural and ideological realities, it performs a decisive role in transforming the patriarchal and sexist nature of language and societies. To begin with, I will think about influences and junctions between translations studies and feminisms which have contributed to a mutual renewal and enrichment of both disciplines. This point of view would place me in a privileged position where to raise the feminist translation commitment, which is materialised in adaptation (rather than invention) of genuine ideological and textual strategies for translation y making a contribution for implementtation of social and linguistic reform which exceeds gender discrimination.



How to Cite

Castro Vázquez, O. 2010. Gender and translation: discursive elements for a feminist rewriting. Lectora: Journal of Women and Textuality. 14 (Dec. 2010), 285–302.