How to Read a Dead Language? Utopia and Exile in the Works of María Zambrano


  • Jorge Brioso


María Zambrano, posguerra española, filosofía, feminismo, utopía, exilio


Defining the philosophy of María Zambrano as “spectral”, the article explores the centrality of the concepts of utopia and exile in the thought of the writer and philosopher, with the aim of studying the ways in which Zambrano uses these two concepts in order to reflect an irreconcilable tension between, on the one hand, her condition as philosopher and woman, and, on the other, her belonging to a particular nation-state such as postwar Spain.



How to Cite

Brioso, J. 2010. How to Read a Dead Language? Utopia and Exile in the Works of María Zambrano. Lectora: Journal of Women and Textuality. 15 (Dec. 2010), 43–60.