The Lesbian and the Literary Tradition in Argentina: Monte de Venus as Foundational Text


  • Laura A. Arnés


Reina Roffé, Monte de Venus, literatura argentina del siglo XX, voz lesbiana, tradición queer, twentieth-century Argentinean literature, lesbian voice, queer tradition


The following article stands on two hypotheses: 1) In 1970s Argentina, a number of texts that introduced “new” subjectivities and new political expressions began to appear; 2) the literary and cultural studies of homosexuality have kept lesbian figurations next to the place of the unthinkable/un-thought of. This article suggests that Reina Roffé’s long forgotten novel Monte de Venus (1976) is foundational when considering the possibility of a queer literary tradition in Argentina. It pays special attention to the ways in which the text constructs a lesbian voice and it suggests that Monte de Venus (in)augur(ate)s a future for this voice. In addition, this paper will analyze the novel as a key text that establishes bonds with other contemporary narratives, in order to draw an emergent and impassioned lesbian cartography.



How to Cite

Arnés, L.A. 2011. The Lesbian and the Literary Tradition in Argentina: Monte de Venus as Foundational Text. Lectora: Journal of Women and Textuality. 17 (Nov. 2011), 41–52.