Gabriela Mistral, in a Maternal-Matrix-Material Language


  • María Binetti Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género (IIEGE), CONICET



Mother, matrix, materials, childhood, original, play


For some decades, feminist thinkers such as Luce Irigaray, Luisa Muraro and Rosi Braidotti —among others— have tried to reconstruct the ontological assumptions of a language independent of the abstract phallogocentric logic, emerging by metonymic mediation from the maternal-material-matristic substrate, in essential continuity with that origin and immediate connection with life. In the context of this new maternal-matrix-material symbolic, this article aims to read Mistralian poetics, conceived and nurtured by the same matrix from which life is born.


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How to Cite

Binetti, M. 2017. Gabriela Mistral, in a Maternal-Matrix-Material Language. Lectora: Journal of Women and Textuality. 23 (Oct. 2017), 117–131. DOI: 2017.23.8.