Quoting the Princesses of the Nineteenth Century. From Repetition to Resignification in Death and the Maiden (I-III) by Elfriede Jelinek


  • Ana Giménez Universitat de València




Elfriede Jelinek, intertextuality, citation, feminist rewriting.


In 2003, a year before winning the Nobel Prize in Literature, the Austrian writer Elfriede Jelinek published Princess Dramas. Death and the Maiden I-V, a collection of five works conceived as interludes for other plays. As many other of her works, these plays have plenty of intertextual references. The aim of this article is to analyze the first three plays of the collection and to explore the role of citation as a critical tool. To this end, it does not focus on the citation of a specific plot or passage, but on the way the issue of the feminine subject has been addressed in the predecessor texts, all of them from the nineteenth century.


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How to Cite

Giménez, A. 2017. Quoting the Princesses of the Nineteenth Century. From Repetition to Resignification in Death and the Maiden (I-III) by Elfriede Jelinek. Lectora: Journal of Women and Textuality. 23 (Oct. 2017), 101–115. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1344/Lectora2017.23.7.