La escritura como hecho liberalizador: <i>Una donna</i> de Sibilla Aleramo como canto a la independencia femenina


  • Flavia Cartoni
  • Mª de los Santos Espejo Quijada
  • Cristina Cañamares Torrijos
  • Carmen Díaz-Ropero Fuentes
  • Mercedes Mazueco Dura


This article analyzes Sibilla Aleramo’s Una Donna (1906) arguing that the different chapters of this novel describe a process similar to Elaine Showalter’s division of feminine writing into three main blocks: -Feminine: It adapts to tradition and accepts woman’s role as it is. -Feminist: It rebels and polemicizes. -Woman’s: It concentrates on self-discovery. According to the authors, the protagonist of Una Donna fits in very well with Showalter’s model, as is shown through a detailed analysis of her family relationships –with her parents, her husband, her son– as well as her social and historical contexts. Indeed, in this article Una Donna is considered to be a reflection of society, and its gendered conceptions, between the late 1800s and early 1900s.




Cómo citar

Cartoni, F., Espejo Quijada, M. de los S., Cañamares Torrijos, C., Díaz-Ropero Fuentes, C. y Mazueco Dura, M. 2001. La escritura como hecho liberalizador: &lt;i&gt;Una donna&lt;/i&gt; de Sibilla Aleramo como canto a la independencia femenina. Lectora: revista de dones i textualitat. 7 (ene. 2001), 135–148.

