Maria-Mercè Marçal, autora de contes


  • Carme Riera


In this article Carme Riera talks about Marçal as a short-story writer, aspect of the author which is less discussed than her poems and novels, but, according to Riera, not at all insignificant. She discusses the three short stories Marçal wrote for adults: Joc de màscares, El retorn and Tronatrons (unpublished). Riera refers to the game of intertextualtity in Marçal’s work; Joc de màscares, which takes Riera´s novel, Te deix, amor, la mar com a penyora, as a starting point, and Tronatrons, which Riera feels could well be intended to pay a tribute to Víctor Català, whose work was well-known by Marçal. Finally, the author of this article talks about the importance of the recurring motif of the mirror in Marçal´s work, both in her poetry and novels.




Cómo citar

Riera, C. 2004. Maria-Mercè Marçal, autora de contes. Lectora: revista de dones i textualitat. 10 (ene. 2004), 251–258.