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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice or Microsoft Word document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • If it is submitted for expert evaluation, it is recommended to ensure an anonymous assessment.
  • The text complies with the stylistic and bibliographic requirements described in the author's instructions as outlined in the Author Guidelines where the requirements are established

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for the Publication of Articles in Pedralbes

  1. Original submissions to the Pedralbes journal must be unpublished and related to the field of modern history. Authors must register on the journal's website ( and submit their originals in the specified format.
  2. Originals will be reviewed by the journal’s Scientific Committee and external reviewers, which will give a decision concerning publication and publication date.
  3. Originals written in Catalan, Spanish, English, French, Italian and Portuguese will be accepted. A translation of the title into Catalan will be provided, as well as an abstract (c. 150 words long) and four or five keywords in Catalan, Spanish and English.
  4. It is recommended that articles are between 50,000 and 60,000 characters long (with spaces), including notes, graphs and figures. The text will be submitted in Word format, using 12 size Times New Roman font, double spaced (notes will use font size 10 and single spacing).
  5. If the author wishes to state that the manuscript is the result of her/his cooperation with a research group, or if other observation is deemed necessary, she/he must annotate this with an asterisk (a) after her/his name and (b) in a footnote, before the numerated footnotes and using their same format.
  6. Words and expressions in languages other than that used for the article will be italicised (e.g.: trait d’union). No bold lettering or underlining will be used in these instances.
  7. Organizing the text into subheadings is recommended. Subheading titles should be in italics and numbered.
  8. Textual quotations will not be italicised, and will use quotation marks (« »). An excessive number of quotations will be avoided. When the quotation exceeds three lines in length, they will be made an independent paragraph, beginning with an indentation, without quotation marks and using a smaller font size (Times New Roman 11).
  9. In the main text, note numbers will be in superscript format and placed after the punctuation mark, if any. The first line of each footnose should be indented. The note number should be followed by a period and a blank space. Footnotes must be written according to the following guidelines:

Indentation will be applied on the first line of each footnote. The footnote number will be followed by a period and a blank space. They must be drafted according to the following instructions:

(1) Archive references:

(a) The first time an archive is cited: Name, acronym inside parentheses (which will be used therefrom), section, bundle or manuscript (ms.) and numerical reference:


Archivo de la Corona de Aragón (ACA), Monacales, leg. 100, ff. 3-5.

ACA, Monacales, leg. 100, ff. 3-5.

(2) Bibliographic references:

(a) The first time a work is cited: name and surname of authors (the latter small capitals), title (italicised), publisher, place of publication, year and page reference. Later citations will consist of the first surname of the author (in small capitals), the first or three first words of the title (without ellipsis), and page reference.


Jaume Vicens Vives, Els Trastàmares: el segle xv, Teide, Barcelona, 1956, pp. 30-40.

Vicens, Els Trastàmares, pp. 45-50.

(b) Article journals, book chapters, conference proceedings and edited volumes: The title will be inside quotation marks (« ») and that of the publication will be italicised. In journal articles, the issue and year of publication (inside parentheses) will be included. The name of editors in edited volumes will feature before the title of the publication (initial followed by surnames, no small capitals), followed by ed. or coord. without parentheses.


Rolando Minuti, «Internet e il mestiere storico. Riflessioni sulle incertezze di una mutazione», Cromohs, 6 (2000), pp. 1-75.

Maartje Van Gelder, «The People’s Prince: Popular Politics in Early Modern Venice», The Journal of Modern History, 90/2 (2018), pp. 249-291.

Anthony McFarlane, «Challenges from the Periphery: rebellion in the Spanish American colonies», en W. Thomas, ed., Rebelión y resistencia en el mundo hispánico del siglo xvii, Leuven University Press, Lovaina, 1992, pp. 250-269.

J. I. Fortea y J. E. Gelabert, eds., Ciudades en conflicto (siglos xvi-xviii), Junta de Castilla y León/Marcial Pons, Valladolid, 2008.

(c) To cite one or two pages of a book, article or book chapter, the following formats will be used:

Anselmi i A. Minguito, eds., El diario del Viaje a España del cardinal Francesco Barberini escrito por Cassiano del Pozzo, Doce Calles, Madrid, 2004, pp. 83 y 328.

Abdelouahed Akmir, «Estado, economía y sociedad en Marruecos del siglo xvii según el manuscrito de Jorge de Henin», a M. Salhi, ed., El siglo xvii hispanomarroquí, Université Mohammad V, Rabat, 1997, pp. 149-158: 154.

(d) References to digital journals and open access publications, the web address, last visit date and DOI will be provided.


Juan Pablo Cruz Medina, «Entre la imagen de Dios y la imagen del rey. Evangelización y formación de cuerpo social en un pueblo de indios del nuevo reino de Granada. Siglos xvi-xviii», Librosdelacorte.Es, 17 (2019), pp. 33 - 51. Consulted on the website: at 01/12/2020, DOI:

Nadine Beligand y Arnaud Exbalin, «La parole et le corps. Fabrique, ambiguïtés et brouillages des catégories en Amérique ibérique (xvie-xviiie siècles)», Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos (2019), Consultado en la página web, el 01/12/2020, DOI:

(e) Dictionary and glossary entries will be indicated by the abbreviation s.v. (sub voce)


Elena Riva, s.v. «Serbelloni, Gian Galeazzo», a Dizionario biografico degli italiani, XCII, 2018, Consultado en la página web el 01/12/2020

10. Latin expressions (idem, ibidem, passim) will be italicised and not accentuated.

11. Roman numerals indicating centuries, chapters, volumes, and volumes of works (century xvi, chapter vi, volume xii, volume xix) must be in italics.

Style criteria can be consulted in the style guide prepared by the University of Barcelona ( Questions about the application of style norms can be asked by writing to the editorial secretariat (

The journal promotes the use of inclusive language in scientific publications. Before submitting articles, it is recommended to read some guidelines on inclusive language, such as those from the American Psychological Association
( 1396-7103-43cf-248189d3b814t=1614332453482).









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