Los confesores y los relatos autobiográficos de monjas en la transición del siglo XVI al siglo XVII: Hipólita de Rocabertí y Ana Domenge


  • Rosa Maria Alabrús Iglesias Universitat Abat Oliba CEU




narratives, autobiography, nuns, hagiography, confessor


Confessors and nuns’ autobiografical narratives in the 16th and 17th centuries. Hipólita de Rocabertí and Ana Domenge

In this paper we analyze, on the one hand, the capacity of influence that confessors had in nuns’ autobiographical narratives and, on the other, the reputed female will reflected in these. Teresa de Jesus always shied away from excessive dependence on confessors; the risks of manipulation of the nuns’ conscience were evident. We analyze the cases of two Dominican nuns: Hipólita de Rocabertí and Ana Domenge, together with the significant process that the Inquisition put the first confessor of the latter through, Friar Antonio Darnils. We explore the complex confessor-nun dialectic, and the hagiographic vocation of public exemplariness with which narratives were written.



How to Cite

Alabrús Iglesias, R. M. (2017) “Los confesores y los relatos autobiográficos de monjas en la transición del siglo XVI al siglo XVII: Hipólita de Rocabertí y Ana Domenge”, Pedralbes. Revista d’Història Moderna, 37, pp. 95–114. doi: 10.1344/pedralbes2017.37.5.




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