Pedro Abarca y su tratado manuscrito «Origen y progresos de la contienda sobre los primeros reyes de Aragón y Navarra, llamados de Sobrarbe» (c. 1685)


  • Roldán Jimeno Aranguren Universidad Pública de Navarra


Historiography, Navarre, Aragon, Kings of Sobrarbe, Laws of Sobrarbe, Pedro Abarca, José de Moret.


This article deals mostly with Pedro Abarca’s unpublished manuscript Origen y progresos de la contienda sobre los primeros reyes de Aragón y Navarra, llamados de Sobrarbe, written around 1685 and kept in the General Archive of Navarre. The manuscript begins with a brief description of the origins of the kingdom of Aragon and follows with a critical analysis of those authors who had written on the kings of Sobrarbe from the fi rst chroniclers up to the recent ones. It includes some notes about the burning ordered by the Higher Court of Navarre of a book by Jorge Alceo de Torres in 1669. Abarca’s work belongs to a historiographical debate on the origins of both kingship and the kingdom of Navarre, a debate that developed for other Iberian realms as well.



How to Cite

Jimeno Aranguren, R. (2011) “Pedro Abarca y su tratado manuscrito «Origen y progresos de la contienda sobre los primeros reyes de Aragón y Navarra, llamados de Sobrarbe» (c. 1685)”, Pedralbes. Revista d’Història Moderna, 31, pp. 91–123. Available at: (Accessed: 1February2025).


