La expulsión de los moriscos en el debate político francés (1610-1620): la superación de un desafío


  • Jesús Villanueva


Moriscos, Spain, France, seventeenth century, propaganda, Huguenots.


All through the 1610s French opinion reacted in various ways to the expulsion of Moriscos from Spain, and to their crossing through Southern France in their way to Northern Africa. Catholic radicals showed hostility towards that Muslim presence, accepted the Spanish offi cial explanation for the expulsion as a response to a supposed conspiracy by the Moriscos, and demanded a similar measure against the Protestant minority in France. Huguenots instead feared that a secret plan for chasing them out of the kingdom, following the Moriscos’ model, was under way as a result of the alliance between French and Spanish governments. Finally, some others saw the expedient of mass expul sion as utterly unapplicable in France and as an instance of the diff erence of conditions (or «humours») between the two countries.



How to Cite

Villanueva, J. (2009) “La expulsión de los moriscos en el debate político francés (1610-1620): la superación de un desafío”, Pedralbes. Revista d’Història Moderna, 29, pp. 247–269. Available at: (Accessed: 27September2024).


