Polémicas historiográficas y confrontación de identificaciones colectivas en el siglo XVII: Navarra, Aragón y Vasconia


  • Alfredo Floristán


Historiography, seventeenth century, Navarre, Juan de Sada, José de Moret.


The making of a new identity for Navarre, once it was incorporated into the Spanish Monarchy, drew much from confronting it with those of neighbouring territories. It both adapted and rejected several elements from them. Baroque historiographic polemics preferentially confronted among themselves close communities with a long, common history, rather than “national” chorographies with histories of the Monarchy. The Historia apologética y description del reyno de Navarra (1628) by Juan de Sada, and the Anales del reyno de Navarra (1628) by José Moret synthesized the main characteristics with which the Navarrese sought to identify themselves. They slowly abandoned the myth of Sobrarbe on the origins of crown and kingdom, which they shared with the Aragonese until the mid-sixteenth century and accepted the novel assumption of a primary, uncontaminated “Vascony”, adapting the old myth of Cantabria to a new context.



How to Cite

Floristán, A. (2007) “Polémicas historiográficas y confrontación de identificaciones colectivas en el siglo XVII: Navarra, Aragón y Vasconia”, Pedralbes. Revista d’Història Moderna, 27, pp. 59–82. Available at: https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/pedralbes/article/view/35444 (Accessed: 12February2025).


