De las alteraciones a la rebelión: una alternativa a la interpretación "aristocrática" del conflicto entre Felipe II y Aragón en 1591


  • Jesús Gascón Pérez


The struggle between Philip II and his Aragonese subjects in 1591, has been the subject matter of a vast literature. Nonetheless, research is stagnated since, about the middle of the nineteenth century, the marquis of Pidal interpreted the episode as the rising of a part of the nobility for the defence of their privileges, and coined the term «<alteraciones de Aragón» to identify it. That thesis, reasserted nearly a hundred years after by Gregorio Marañón, is still prevailing today, although it suffers from several limitations, as the following article explains. In addition, it outlines the main aims of a research that pretends to set up the significance of the 1591 uprising weaving it in its historical context and studying rigorously the great number of documents it produced.



How to Cite

Gascón Pérez, J. (2001) “De las alteraciones a la rebelión: una alternativa a la interpretación &quot;aristocrática&quot; del conflicto entre Felipe II y Aragón en 1591”, Pedralbes. Revista d’Història Moderna, 21, pp. 165–192. Available at: (Accessed: 2January2025).


