La Paz de Westfalia (1648), hito y lieu de mémoire europeo: Nuevas perspectivas


  • Fernando Sánchez Marcos


Pedralbes Journal, Peace of Westphalia, Historical Culture, Historiography, Lieux


The Peace of Westphalia (1648), European Landmark and Lieu De Mémoire: New Perspectives

This introduction makes explicit the aims and features of this issue which tries to give an idea of the new perspectives, approaches and informational reference points that the historiography emerged from the celebrations of the 350 anniversary of the Peace of Westphalia has contributed. On the one hand, and first of all, the issue tries to do it by translating some papers, hitherto unpublished in Hispanic languages, which are briefly set in their context. And on the other hand, by commenting on some of the most important scientific and cultural activities carried out on the occasion of this commemoration in Germany, the Netherlands, France and Spain. Finally, after presenting some global considerations on this case study of social reconstruction of the historical memory, there are some aknowledgements for the people and institutions that have especially contributed to the publication of Pedralbes 19.



How to Cite

Sánchez Marcos, F. . (1999) “La Paz de Westfalia (1648), hito y lieu de mémoire europeo: Nuevas perspectivas”, Pedralbes. Revista d’Història Moderna, 19, pp. 15–26. Available at: (Accessed: 18October2024).




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