Paisatge, clima, perill, por i patiment: una ullada al Mediterrani occidental a l’època moderna


  • Armando Alberola Romá Grup de Recerca en Història i Clima. Universitat d’Alacant


Mediterranean sea, 16th-18th centuries, climate, landscape, risk and danger, fear, fevers


Landscape, climate, danger, fear and suffering: a look at the western Mediter ranean in the modern era

The Mediterranean, a sea between seas, is a singular historical character. This analysis aims to highlight its polyhedral characteristics and the uniqueness of its many landscapes, with an emphasis on those that went somewhat unno ticed during the modern era. Evidently the climate has conditioned these landscapes, as well as different ways of life and various economic activities, such as agriculture, commercial and naval shipping, and the commercial ex ploitation of salt, snow and ice reserves. Natural phenomena have also influ enced the lands and people of the Mediterranean, with their corresponding politico-economic, religious and mental implications. Lastly, biological and health issues, especially those resulting from the actions of fevers and diseases, affected the economic and social development of those who lived in the west ern Mediterranean basin.




How to Cite

Alberola Romá, A. (2019) “Paisatge, clima, perill, por i patiment: una ullada al Mediterrani occidental a l’època moderna”, Pedralbes. Revista d’Història Moderna, 39, pp. 83–119. Available at: (Accessed: 15October2024).


