Els notaris de Monistrol de Montserrat als segles XVII-XVIII: la reconstrucció d’un fons documental (quasi) desaparegut


  • Carlos Pizarro Carrasco




royal notaries, ecclesiastical notaries, ecclesiastical lordship, protocol archives, Monistrol de Montserrat , Catalonia


The notaries of Monistrol de Montserrat in the XVII-XVIII centuries: the reconstruction of a documentary collection (almost) disappeared

The private and ecclesiastical notarial collections are one of the most outstanding elements that have made it possible to configure the archives of protocols in Catalonia. Throughout the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in Monistrol de Montserrat, a place of ecclesiastical lordship under the jurisdiction of the abbey of Montserrat, the scrivania of the town and that of the parish worked. Public notaries followed almost uninterruptedly between 1595 and 1738, to the point that in the 1630s there were three royal notaries and one ecclesiastical notary working at the same time. Unfortunately, the destruction of the Montserrat archive (1811), the events of July 1936 and especially the disappearance of the Can Gibert heritage collection in the twentieth
century, where most of Monistrol’s protocols were deposited, have adversely affected this valuable documentary heritage. In this article we study the scribes who acted in the in this period, providing biographical data and on the notarial activity, within the Catalan context and mainly from the notarial sources, an eighteenth-century capbreu (lordship estate record) and municipal acts.

Author Biography

Carlos Pizarro Carrasco

Licenciado en Geografía e Historia por el Departamento de Historia Moderna de la Universitat de Barcelona. Autor de numerosas publicaciones sobre época moderna en el ámbito de la historia del libro y de la cultura, la historia local de Monistrol de Montserrat y la comarca del Bages.




How to Cite

Pizarro Carrasco, C. (2023) “Els notaris de Monistrol de Montserrat als segles XVII-XVIII: la reconstrucció d’un fons documental (quasi) desaparegut”, Pedralbes. Revista d’Història Moderna, 43(1), pp. 339–378. doi: 10.1344/pedralbes2023.43-1.11.


