Los Anales de la Corona de Aragón a debate. Circulaciones e interacciones en torno a la monumentalización de un pasado común


  • Héloïse Hermant Université Côte d’Azur




Annals of the Crown of Aragon, censorship, correspondences, official chroniclers, erudition, lineages, composite monarchy


The Anales de la Corona de Aragón in dispute. Circulations and interactions about the monumentalisation of a shared past.

Stepping aside from studies that exclusively apprehend theAnnals of the Crown of Aragonintheir textual dimension to make it the intangible memorial story of a kingdom, this article takesinto account the institutional substrate of this historiographicalenterprise and restores thewriting and reading experiences that these chronicles have supported, as well as the variousprojections and appropriations to which they have been subjected by individuals, families andinstitutions. TheAnnalsare like a«meta-object»that generates circulation within the Crown ofAragon and beyond, by reactivating a common past through variousoperations relative tohistory, but also to memory, identity, legal right and therefore to politics. Working on suchoperations, withthe monarchy as a horizon of projection, makes it possible to apprehend adynamic architecture ofcompositemonarchies from a relationship between the whole and thepart functioning by inclusion and not being confined to a face-to-face situation.



How to Cite

Hermant, H. (2023) “Los Anales de la Corona de Aragón a debate. Circulaciones e interacciones en torno a la monumentalización de un pasado común”, Pedralbes. Revista d’Història Moderna, 43(1), pp. 157–206. doi: 10.1344/pedralbes2023.43-1.6.


