COVID-19 impact on tourism: Measuring similarities and differences on tourists and tourism businesses’ perceptions




COVID, Greece, Leisure, Market research, Pandemic, Tourism, Tourist industry


The purpose of this study is to investigate the similarities and differences between tourists and tourism professionals in Greece in relation to: (a) the impact of the pandemic to tourism, (b) the attitude towards global and national measures, and (c) the behavior of tourists in the next phases of the pandemic and post-pandemic times. A research framework was constructed and tested in two waves, during and after lockdown in Greece. Results highlight that the views of tourism businesses and tourists largely converge, following a more pessimistic or a more realistic approach as time goes by and the pandemic continues.

Author Biographies

Georgia Zouni, University of Piraeus

University of Piraeus
Department of  Tourism Studies

Lecturer in Tourism Marketing

Paraskevi-Myrsini Nasiou, University of Piraeus, Greece

Political Scientist – Cultural Heritage Management Consultant

PhD Candidate - Researcher

University of Piraeus

Ioanna Georgaki, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK

MSc in International Business Management with Tourism

Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK

Kapetanaki Eirini, Strathclyde University, UK

MSc International Acccounting & Finance

Strathclyde University


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How to Cite

Zouni, G., Nasiou , P.-M., Georgaki, I., & Kapetanaki, E. (2022). COVID-19 impact on tourism: Measuring similarities and differences on tourists and tourism businesses’ perceptions . Tourism and Heritage Journal, 3, 68–100.


