COVID-19 impact on tourism: Measuring similarities and differences on tourists and tourism businesses’ perceptions



Paraules clau:

COVID, Greece, Leisure, Market research, Pandemic, Tourism, Tourist industry


The purpose of this study is to investigate the similarities and differences between tourists and tourism professionals in Greece in relation to: (a) the impact of the pandemic to tourism, (b) the attitude towards global and national measures, and (c) the behavior of tourists in the next phases of the pandemic and post-pandemic times. A research framework was constructed and tested in two waves, during and after lockdown in Greece. Results highlight that the views of tourism businesses and tourists largely converge, following a more pessimistic or a more realistic approach as time goes by and the pandemic continues.

Biografies de l'autor/a

Georgia Zouni, University of Piraeus

University of Piraeus
Department of  Tourism Studies

Lecturer in Tourism Marketing

Paraskevi-Myrsini Nasiou , University of Piraeus, Greece

Political Scientist – Cultural Heritage Management Consultant

PhD Candidate - Researcher

University of Piraeus

Ioanna Georgaki, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK

MSc in International Business Management with Tourism

Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK

Eirini Kapetanaki, Strathclyde University, UK

MSc International Acccounting & Finance

Strathclyde University


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Com citar

Zouni, G., Nasiou , P.-M., Georgaki, I., & Kapetanaki, E. (2022). COVID-19 impact on tourism: Measuring similarities and differences on tourists and tourism businesses’ perceptions . Tourism and Heritage Journal, 3, 68–100.


