From the garden to the grave – three dark sites related to the legend of Pedro and Inês
dark tourism, dark literary tourism, legend of Pedro and Inês, literary tourismAbstract
By combining an interpretive reading of the spaces, a study of DMOs marketing strategies and TripAdvisor ratings, this research aims to understand the role of literary constructions, symbols, and discourses in the development, positioning, and management of a dark literary site. Three specific places will be highlighted in relation to the biography of the legend of King Pedro I and Inês de Castro, the "skeleton queen", assessing how these heritage sites exploit the legend for place branding, attracting visitors and creating a strong identity. In addition, this article aims to evaluate how and to what extent three heritage sites—Santa Clara a Velha's Church, Quinta da Lágrimas in Coimbra, and Alcobaça Monastery—associate themselves with the legend of Pedro and Inês, in order to increase their attractiveness, concluding that all the literary resonances of these locations can be traced to Luís Vaz de Camões’ The Lusiads. As for the dark elements, while Quinta das Lágrimas and Alcobaça Monastery combine literary with a macabre appeal, notably Alcobaça, the darkest of the three, Santa a Clara a Velha's Church is primarily of a biographic nature. Additionally, the macabre use of the space in this case appears to overpower the literary associations.
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