A New Gastronomic Route Encompassing Oleo Tourism and Wine Tourism Along the Olive Corridor of South Marmara in Türkiye
Gastronomy tourism, Oleo tourism, the Olive Corridor of South Marmara, Wine tourismAbstract
This study aims to assess the potential of oleo tourism and wine tourism within the Olive Corridor of South Marmara, one of the seven thematic tourism development corridors identified in the 2007 action plan, as part of the Türkiye Tourism Strategy 2023. Within the scope of this study, a holistic approach was taken towards the Olive Corridor of South Marmara, presenting a proposed route that encompasses oleo tourism and wine tourism products. The suggested route demonstrates that the corridor holds strong potential in terms of oleo tourism and wine tourism products, and it also possesses rich resources for destination experiences, including landscapes, cultural heritage, and outdoor activities. However, one of the findings of this study is that the corridor has room for development in terms of oleo tourism and wine tourism and should be diversified with new tourism products. Collaborations, support, incentives, marketing efforts, and contributions from producers and the local community, along with a sustainable tourism approach, have the potential to transform the corridor into a strong destination for oleo tourism and wine tourism.
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