Exhibiting literature: The challenges of literary heritage’s value in the museological context


  • Marina Strepetova Independent Scholar



Paraules clau:

House museum, intangible heritage, literary heritage, museography


Literary heritage represents a complex system that connects tangible and intangible elements. For this reason, its management and valorization in museological context are convoluted, since curators have to deal with its ambivalent nature. This article seeks to identify the main challenges of valuing intangible literary heritage through the analysis of interviews with specialists in literary heritage and museology from different countries. Results show that, firstly, there is a need to clearly define the concept and scope of literary heritage and, secondly, the growing importance of connecting literary heritage with cultural tourism to find new strategies for passing on its intangible meanings.


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Com citar

Strepetova, M. (2020). Exhibiting literature: The challenges of literary heritage’s value in the museological context. Tourism and Heritage Journal, 2, 17–27. https://doi.org/10.1344/THJ.2020.2.2


