‘Signes de benvinguda’ a l’espai públic: separació i identitat




Paraules clau:

màrqueting de llocs, identitat visual, senyalització, espai públic


Propòsit: l’objectiu principal d’aquest article és presentar investigacions sobre els “signes de benvinguda” com a elements simbòlics de la representació territorial, que tenen almenys dos significats: la identitat simbòlica de la divulgació d’un lloc determinat i el fet de ser un element d’un cert ritme públic. Per tant, el segon objectiu és definir el valor d’aquests signes visuals en l’estratègia de marca d’un lloc.
Metodologia / enfocament: la investigació aprofita l’anàlisi de contingut dels signes per fer conclusions referents al procés de comunicació i als conceptes de màrqueting.
Les troballes: les “senyals de benvinguda” són instal·lacions simbòliques, que són testimonials sobre llocs concrets. A més del paper de la identificació, la informació i la publicitat, aquests signes també tenen significat estètic, així com formes espacials de divisió territorial.
Implicacions pràctiques: les “senyals de benvinguda” es fan de forma intuïtiva per part de les autoritats legítimes, de manera que l’examen i la creació d’un model del seu contingut i disseny poden ser molt beneficiosos i útils per a la LGU.
Originalitat: fins ara, els signes de benvinguda no han estat especialment els temes de màrqueting, investigacions socials o polítiques.

Biografies de l'autor/a

Anna Adamus-Matuszyńska, University of Economics in Katowice.

Sociologist, public relations specialist, a researcher of social conflicts. She studied social sciences at theUniversityofSilesiain 1976-1980. In1992 she received a PhD in humanities. In 2003-2004 she made postgraduate studies in "Applied Pedagogy" at theAcademyofEconomicsinKatowice. In 2011-2012, she completed another postgraduate studies "SociologicalschoolofZygmunt Bauman" at the Collegium Civitas inWarsaw.

Participant of the research project: Sectarian and Ethnic Conflicts in the Central-Eastern Europe, University of Cambridge, UK in 1994 - 1999. Project Manager of the project "TEMPUS JEP - 13035/98 Team Approaches to Developing, Implementing and Disseminating Internal Quality Assurance Systems (SQUADDIES)"(1999-2001). Researcher of social conflicts within the VI Framework Programme entitled "Alleviating pressure on the water environment through a new integrated approach to governance and through the technical, economic and institutional instruments (AQUASTRESS)" implemented by the Cracow University of Technology (2005-2007). Co-author of the informational and promotional campaign: Social Dialogue 2010-2011, in cooperation with KPP Lewiatan, Branch Silesia. The author of the evaluation of the project: "Take advantage of the opportunity" (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013).

Author of 3, and an editor of 5 books, an author of over 100 articles in scientific journals and monographs, as well as popular magazines. Mediator in economic disputes; coach, trainer in interpersonal communication, public relations, negotiations, "soft" methods of management, public relations consultant and a consultant for preparation and implementation of strategy for corporate social responsibility (CSR), PARP counsellor for CSR; researcher of social issues. Lecturer at theUniversityofEconomicsinKatowiceand theUniversityofSilesiainKatowice. Member of the Polish Communication Association,KatowiceBranch of Polish Economic Society, Polish Public Relations Association. Winner of the prize PROTONY in the category "Education" in 2012.

Piotr Dzik, Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice

Sociologist and political scientist, academic lecturer, trainer, consultant, analyst and practitioner with over 20 years of experience in the field of marketing communication, promotion, advertising and public relations. Permanent employed since 2002 at the Academyof Fine Artsin Katowice, Faculty of Design.  The creator and co-creator of over 30 promotion strategies in territorial marketing (3 regions, a dozen cities of various sizes, rural communes,  etc.). He conducts research in the field of visual identification systems of territorial units, author and co-author of over a dozen peer-reviewed articles in this field.
Co-author of the book (with Dr. Anna Adamus-Matuszyńska) "Visual identity of Polish provinces, cities and counties. Identification, presentation, meaning."


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PRAWO AUTORSKIE (Author’s Law) http://isap.sejm.gov.pl/isap.nsf/DocDetails.xsp?id=WDU19940240083




Com citar

Adamus-Matuszyńska, Anna, and Piotr Dzik. 2019. “‘Signes De benvinguda’ a l’espai Públic: Separació I Identitat”. on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration 61 (4):3-16. https://doi.org/10.1344/waterfront2019.61.6.4.