Català a Twitter, l’àgora de la llengua




Catalan language, linguistic norm, media, social networks, Twitter, language dissemination


In this article we will talk about the dissemination of the Catalan language in a social network widely used among Catalan speakers, Twitter, which nowadays has a similar function to the media, as many users say they also use it to get informed. We will focus on the most followed accounts that disseminate language content to have an idea of the impact they have in the part of the language community that uses social media. On the one hand, we will classify the most followed accounts according to whether they are institutions, anonymous accounts with linguistic content or independent people, and we will select the most followed one in each class. We will consider those that deal with norms, adequacy, genuineness, barbarisms, idioms, dialectalisms, and so on. These are accounts such as that of Optimot and IEC, but also that of Josep Maria Virgili, El català com cal, etc. On the other hand, we will determine how many followers each account has, how much content they have published so far, whether they have interactions with other users and since when they have activity. We will also establish what kind of activity they have, how often they publish, and how they present the information.


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How to Cite

Guevara Claramunt, M. (2021). Català a Twitter, l’àgora de la llengua. Anuari De Filologia. Estudis De Lingüística, 11, 125–140.



Monogràfic. La llengua en el punt de mira dels mitjans de comunicació