The Diccionario Militar (1749) of Raimundo Sanz and the gallicisms incorporated to the Spanish language


  • Marta Sánchez Orense Instituto de Lengua, Literatura y Antropología Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)



military lexicography, translation, morphology, etymology, gallicisms, 18th century.


The Diccionario militar, o recolección alphabética de todos los términos propios al Arte de la Guerra (1749), which is a translation of the Dictionnaire militaire, ou recueil alphabetique de tous les termes propres à l'Art de la Guerre written by Aubert of Chesnaye Desbois, obtained terrible reviews by following writers to Raimundo Sanz, its author, such as the soldier and Spanish lexicographer José Almirante, who called it “traducción detestable”. In this paper we propose to find out the truth of the criticisms about the high number of Gallicisms which this dictionary contains. For this reason, we will proceed to examine the vocabulary which forms its macrostructure and classify it according to its etymological origin, with special attention to the date of inclusion in our language of French loans involved.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Orense, M. (2014). The Diccionario Militar (1749) of Raimundo Sanz and the gallicisms incorporated to the Spanish language. Anuari De Filologia. Estudis De Lingüística, 3, 159–183.