Teaching and learning of periodization. Representations in contexts of ethnic diversity
Periodization, Change time, temporality, multi-temporality, mapuche cosmovisionAbstract
The article deals with representations of the teaching and learning of periodisation in ethnically diverse contexts in Auracanía (Chile). Multitemporalities underlie the school and different sociocultural contexts and this has a direct impact on students' acquisition of complex temporal learning. Periodisation is a fundamental temporal operator in the teaching and learning of historical time because it determines greater possibilities of temporal expansion (multitemporal) and the construction of a historical consciousness - past, present and future relations integrated into the Mapuche cosmovision: tayiñ chegenmu. The research is qualitative, constructed as a case study that facilitated the analysis of the representations of secondary school students and teachers. Categories emerge on: time, periodisation, change, temporality and cosmovision. The conclusions indicate us the persistence of a linear temporal teaching - Eurocentric chronological time – excluding other temporal rhythms.
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