Paleocene Larger Foraminifera from the Pyrenean Basin with a recalibration of the Paleocene Shallow Benthic Zones
Larger foraminifera, biostratigraphy, SBZ, Pyrenean basin, PaleoceneAbstract
A taxonomic study of the larger foraminifera found in Paleocene rocks from the Pyrenean basin has led to the description of sixty taxa including two new species: Alveolina korresensis and Valvulineria bacetai. In this work, we present a chronostratigraphic recalibration of the Paleocene Shallow Benthic Zones (SBZ 1 to SBZ 4) based on correlation with calcareous nannofossil and planktic foraminifera biozones, all integrated within the stratigraphic framework of Paleocene platform to basin depositional sequences established for the whole Pyrenean domain. The samples were collected in autochtonous and parautochtonous deposits from ten key shallow platform stratigraphic sections, representative from coastal to platform margin depositional settings. The results from two base of slope sections with numerous intercalations of calcareous turbidites with penecontemporaneous platform-derived biota have been integrated in the study. The regional chronostratigraphic framework is derived from magneto-biochronological studies carried out in the Zumaia section, global reference section for the Danian-Selandian and Selandian-Thanertian GSSPs. The new calibration of the Paleocene SBZs is summarized as follows. The SBZ 1 is constrained to the first 1.09 m.y. of the Paleocene; this first Paleogene biozone lacks distinct larger foraminifera biomarkers and thus is defined by an association of non-exclusive taxa composed of Valvulineria patalaensis, Stomatorbina? binkhorsti, P.? antiqua and Bangiana hanseni. The SBZ 2 now appears as the biozone encompassing most of the Danian stage (from ca. 64.91 m.y. to 61.6 m.y.), and is characterized by the association of Haymanella elongata, Haymanella paleocenica, Kayseriella decastroi, Rotospirella conica, Pyrenerotalia depressa, Elazigina dienii and Paralockhartia eos. The SBZ 2-SBZ 3 boundary coincides with the base of the Selandian stage (ca. 61.6 m.y.). The SBZ 3 biozone is defined by Glomalveolina primaeva, Periloculina slovenica, Vania anatolica, Coskinon rajkae, Fallotella alavensis, Cribrobulimina carniolica, Miscellanea yvettae, Miscellanea juliettae, Miscellanites primitivus, Miscellanites minutus, Ranikothalia soldadensis, Nummulites heberti and Discocyclina seunesi. The SBZ 3-SBZ 4 boundary is now ascribed to ca. 57.2 m.y. The SBZ 4 biozone appears characterized by Glomalveolina levis, Alveolina korresensis, Hottingerina lukasi, Daviesina garumnensis, Assilina yvettae, Assilina azilensis and Nummulites catari. The SBZ 4-SBZ 5 boundary is placed at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary event (ca. 56.0 m.y.).
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